We are your trusted partner in
Building Reliability Confidence
In order for a process to function well and to achieve desired results, all supporting systems must be robust. These systems include people, processes, and the equipment expected to perform at the highest levels.
People are our greatest assets. The right people must be selected for the tasks for which they are asked to perform, and then must receive the tools, training, and support necessary to accomplish these goals.
Processes must be built, both Operational and Maintenance, that are derived from a complete understanding of the asset, including its design, required functions, operations, performance and environmental limits, acceptable outcomes, and the consequences of not achieving those outcomes.
Equipment should be designed, from the earliest stages of a project, to achieve Reliability goals and Maintainability standards. It is far less costly to invest in our equipment in the design phase, than it is to re-design, or worse yet, live with a bad design that is costly to operate, cannot meet our performance objectives, and is unsafe.
Of course resources are not unlimited, and our ability to achieve results cannot be based solely on our desire to do so. Instead, we must balance risk with reward, that is to ask, “What is the minimum investment required in order to achieve the maximum return on those investments.” Reliability engineering tools such as Physical Asset Criticality Ranking, Design for Reliability, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Reliability Block Diagrams, among others, help to quantify RISK and identify the tasks available to balance the scale toward REWARD.